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So now you see that evil will always triumph, because good... is dumb.

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NG Level Icon Maker V2 - BONUSES

Posted by smokinjoeevil - July 14th, 2009

Secrets for the NG Level Icon Maker V2 revealed!!

Alright - I'm not just going to give them all away. You're still going to have to work for them at least slightly. Here's a hint for each of the 18. (many of these are give-aways anyway):

1. Lollipop - Just BROWSE.
2. WIImote - The hint is in the browser (order by User descending), it's all about key-strokes (when inside the Icon-Maker, NOT on the share site!)
3. PS3 controller - Hint is also in the broswer under the PS3 controller icon that comes up... but you need the WIImote first
4. XBOX controller - Again... hint in the browser, but you need the PS3 controller first
5. Taser - Try painting... it is quite an electrifying experience.
6. Floppy disk - Always remember to SAVE YOUR WORK... and the more backups you have, the better!
7. Light sabre - When your icon gets complicated, with too many parts, you could then use the light-sabre to trim it up a bit.
8. Chuck Norris - Make the two parts of a sword together as one.
9. Desert Eagle - Do I hear gun-shots?
10. Red hot fire poker - Where there is smoke... there's fire.
11. Spork - If you're hungry while using the Icon Maker, try several of our delicious food items!
12. Shovel - Mr. T can help you find this item in STYLE.
13. Frying pan - After you do what you need to to get the light-sabre, clear all that crap off in one fell swoop.
14. Coffee mug - Try making a poison potion.
15. Swiss Army knife - 5 categories in 5 clicks
16. RWD mascot - What do the arrow keys do again? Maybe I should check the instructions...
17. Empty NG tank - Listen to the music and love it.
18. ????? - Each step closer to the WIImote, takes you one step further from this... but, maybe if you reversed each step...







am i a dumbass or my keyboard is broken or what? the WIImote thing doesnt want to work for me!

You may be typing it faster than the frame-rate can keep up. Try with just slightly slower, deliberate strokes.

is the sequence uuddlrlrba? if it is then im doing something REALLY wrong.

Yes... on the keyboard... UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, "B", "A". Works for me, and several other people that I have seen posting it... and you do this IN THE ICON MAKER... NOT on the share site.

i dont get the wiimote the ps3 and xbox controllers and the chuck norris this really makes no sense what u say...

Well... I'm not sure how much more I can help you. For Chuck Norris... try reading the instructions. the ones about the buttons labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Maybe that will clear things up on how to make things "one".

As for the key-strokes, check out the response I wrote to the guy above you. It's one of the most famous video-game cheat codes ever.

i dont get how to get the wIImote or ?????

Check reply to post 2 above yours.

I don't understand the hints in the browser thing. I got the wiimote with help but I'm clueless with the PS3 and Xbox controllers.

Try placing the WII controller on the icon-template and then move it around a little...

oh, ok, i was trying to use the letter keys... -.-

Ahhh... gotcha.

talking 'bout the game, I managed to create a gun-wielding, surprised, RWD Chuck Norris.


I saw that one!

How do you get the Desert Eagle?

The UNDO button makes a gun-shot sound. You need to press it about 5 times AFTER it stops undoing things.

i got the wiimote and ps3 controller but i cant figure out how 2 get the x box controller

You have to STYLE the PS3 controller to the frame with just the "X" button showing.

I read how to get the Wii remote and the other controllers but i dont get it.
Can u help me plz?

I gave the answer about 6 or 7 replies up:

On the keyboard... UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, "B", "A".

WOOHOO!!! ALL SECRETS!!!! thanks. Awesome gadget

How do you get chuck norris?

The two parts of a sword are a hilt/handle and a blade. Place them both on the icon template. Then to make them "together as one", you have to make them into a group. Read the instructions associated with the buttons labeled 1 through 5 in order to learn how to do so.

sorry if im being annoying but are u supposed to type it or....what?

The code "uuddlrlrba" refers to:

On the keyboard... UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, "B", "A"

So yeah... type it...

You should see what i made

PBOX 300 With Lollipo Antenas

Wireless lollis? No way!

This is an awesome game and an awesome guide, but I don't get the how to get shuck norris. I used the shift click thing and it didn't. The one for coffe mug doesn;t make sense, and frying pan dosen't work.

Frying pan you have to double-click the delete button to clear at least 5 items in one move.

To get the coffee mug, you have to put the potion bottle and the skull and crossbones onto the screen at the same time.

For Chuck Norris... are you SURE you applied the selected sword handle and sword blade to A GROUP BUTTON? One of the buttons labeled 1 through 5 under the rotation and size/depth controls. If you don't know how to do that... the instructions tell all.

I just need the xbox controller and the ???? it seems to not be working for some reason. can you help? possibly be more specific?

STYLE the PS3 controller to the frame that just displays the "X" button.

And if you got the WII controller... just reverse each key:
Down = Up
Up = Down
Left = Right
Right = Left
B = A
A = B

i haven't got it yet but is the ???? the penicorn horn?

Awe... just ruin it for everyone why don't ya! Just kidding... yes, unfortunately, it is.

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