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I know I'm in the minority...

.... but something just doesn't sit right with me about this Flash. I understand what the point of it is, the moral of the story, etc. But the fact is (and yes, I know I am being overly analytical when I point this out) the main driving impetus behind his transformations as pertains to self-image just doesn't stand up past the first transformation. It makes sense that he would want to become the muscle man - because the advertisement and, seemingly, general consensus is that those kinds of guys attract the ladies. So there is a REASON for him to take on the muscular look. However, then he goes on to adopt the mantis appendages of the toy, and even airplane details - even though his girlfriend (originally the only reason he was making a transformation - to impress her) indicates to him that this is not what she wants. So, where I originally identified with the desires of the character to look better for his mate, all that identification with the character was squashed into non-existence when he decided to start making himself look like an idiot by taking on the attributes of everything in sight. It doesn't make any sense. Let's say I saw a rapper, and he was getting the chicks. So, to impress my girlfriend, I buy a hoodie. She let's that slide. Then I get a couple gold chains. And then, when I express my intent to upgrade my teeth to golden replacements my girlfriend straight-up tells me that she thinks gold teeth are for jack-asses... in your Flash, the character still gets the gold teeth. I liked the animation style, and the intent of the Flash with respect to moral lesson or point, but part of me just can't get past this glaring error in the story's build-up.

ScaredyDave responds:

I can respect that. Basically what happened in my mind was that at first yeah, he is trying to impress the girl, but after a bit of it he thinks that just adding onto himself is fun, so he lets the fun of it blind him from what he was originally intending to do. Kind of like someone who has a hobby that their mate disagrees with. Its like, yeah ok, its a little cute that you have a few collectible trains, but when it gets to the point that you're making entire replica cities with working trains and subway systems in your basement then its a problem. Thats the way I viewed it, and I'm glad you shared your opinion. You didnt really "point anything out", its more like you described the plot lol, the way you viewed it was just differently, and thats important to me because chances are you aren't the only one who viewed it like this.

Just a few words...

"Moyea demo".
SAM-type voices.
Not really Flash.
Non-sensical character design.

Fix those things and it may have been pretty amusing. Otherwise it just looks like you used stock demo-figures and a voice-generator to skirt around actually having to do much work.

bmcoyne2007 responds:

The Moyea Demo thing can be fixed, other than that, I used XTRANORMAL. I don't really have a program on my computer that allows me to make flash animations like the ones seen on this site, I use Windows Vista if you happen to know of any programs/software. Oh, 1.5 is NOT the fixed version, that will have to wait til about midnite.

Without having to make an account?

Why does it start off with "The NG Experience WITHOUT HAVING TO MAKE AN ACCOUNT" and then proceed to show a poorly rendered couple of screens of someone registering for an account? It makes no sense... and has this animation come off as... well... to put it bluntly, if animations could have Down Syndrome then this one does.

The animation was too fast at parts. In one particular part the fake cursor was in the way of some of the (supposedly) comedic entries this fake user was making into the sign-up forms. The quality of the grap[hics used to represent the sites involved was really poor - which may have been on purpose, but with the bad quality of the animation itself I couldn't tell.

BADFX responds:

It meant witout the person watching it having to make an account, The gaygle and homail pages were meant to be crappy, the newgrounds page was meant to be good. and thanks for telling me about the extra cursor

What a mess.

While some of it did contain some inflection, the majority of the voice-overs were someone reading slowly and in monotone from some god-awful script (that rarely seemed to fit very well with the animations being played out. But forget the voice-acting quality... how about the sound quality? Absolutely crap. Couldn't understand half the words you were saying, which only helped to make the animation part seem like it in no way fit with anything being explained. Plus, the whole Hulk and coma patient thing was completely idiotic. In no way does drawing on that as a simile for the reactions make any sense whatsoever. Your teacher will not be pleased.

Raptros responds:

iam sorry u didnt enjoy it. Once again I did say I didnt make the script I was only told what to do becuz I just wanted to finis the project. I promise u ill give u something more better in the future

Not very watchable...

It seemed too fast or something, making it mostly incoherent. It jumped from person to person (although with the bad graphics I couldn't really tell if it WAS different people, or just poorly re-drawn versions of the same people), and from scene to scene. There was little to no animation, which didn't help the scene transitions any. The voice-acting sounded like it was done by pre-adolescents. And you are just begging for reviews of "bad graphics" with your description. You had to have known that... didn't you?

If this is something you may or may not make... I'd suggest you lean toward the "may not".

JTricks responds:

Mmm, about the voice acting, you would wonder why it sounded like it was done by "pre-adolecents", mabye BECAUSE IT WAS, and what is wrong with that anyway, I can't help being 13, can I?

Pretty funny at first...

When the photos were used and didn't match up at all to the voice-over describing the real production it was pretty funny. It became less so once it changed to the use of the hand-drawn animations. I think because they were pretty bad, and it wasn't as discernable what they were, as when the pictures in the photos.

Eyelids-pie responds:

Heh, well I guess I can be preety lazy with my drawings! Thanks, ill seek to improve that.

Not quite so funny as it was meant to be...

It wasn't a fault of the jokes themselves (like the pee thing and the heat-sensing vision) it was more a fault of setup and execution. For instance, how in the hell was the little rock guy supposed to know the robot had vision that sensed heat while he was pissing? The answer is, he wouldn't have... which ruins the joke entirely. It makes it more an exercise in trying to discern whether the writer of the storyline is assuming his viewers' stupidity and ignorance... which ALWAYS turns me off to movies and stories. As I'm sure it does a lot of people. I just didn't find the comedy comedic in this one. The animation was good, the characters and plot were somewhat interesting, but the dialogue an jokes were just plain awful.

nyanyo responds:

please READ THE AUTHOR COMMENTS before commenting, i didn't write the dialog, i don't like it me too. it was a order.

Agreed that this is a show of wasted talent

You can draw, you can animate somewhat, and you should be making your own way rather than borrowing stories like this. Especially Kingdom Hearts. Defend them all you want, but the Kingdom Hearts stories have never made any sense whatsoever, nor were they all that engaging, and they certainly weren't well-written. I played both games myself, because the gameplay was great and fun to get into, but the stories themselves were just plain awful. I always wondered why Disney allowed their characters to be represented in such garbage storylines, when they seem to take such care in crafting their own stories. But, they are exactly the kind of stories I would expect people with a head for game design and programming to write, quite honestly... and you aren't doing your ability justice by folowing those stories in your work.

Nothing against you personally, or your work, which I think is pretty well planned and executed. You just need to find different material.

KobraEditing responds:

I will...I have just always been a KH fan and probably always will be...thanks

So now you see that evil will always triumph, because good... is dumb.

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