Agreed that this is a show of wasted talent
You can draw, you can animate somewhat, and you should be making your own way rather than borrowing stories like this. Especially Kingdom Hearts. Defend them all you want, but the Kingdom Hearts stories have never made any sense whatsoever, nor were they all that engaging, and they certainly weren't well-written. I played both games myself, because the gameplay was great and fun to get into, but the stories themselves were just plain awful. I always wondered why Disney allowed their characters to be represented in such garbage storylines, when they seem to take such care in crafting their own stories. But, they are exactly the kind of stories I would expect people with a head for game design and programming to write, quite honestly... and you aren't doing your ability justice by folowing those stories in your work.
Nothing against you personally, or your work, which I think is pretty well planned and executed. You just need to find different material.